Quick Timelines is a simple tool to easily create a timeline along a selected drive string.  The user may choose options such as a fixed or floating camera and the addition of vehicles.

BIM => Visualisation => Timelines => Quick timeline


Floating Camera

If ticked, the camera will follow the target (Drive String) and the user may zoom/orbit the camera position during playback.

If not ticked, the camera will remain static during playback.


If ticked, turns on appropriate fields for setting up vehicles.

Timeline File

Enter a name for the timeline file.

Anchor Tin (optional)

Vehicles in the Mesh Library have defined anchor points on each wheel.  The Anchor Tin used to set the z-value of each wheel as it travels down the Drive String.  The allows vehicles to follow changes in the terrain, such as superelevation.

If no Tin is selected, the Drive String will be used to set the vehicle Z-Value.

Drive String

The selected string will control motion of the camera and vehicles.

Start Ch / End Ch

When you select the Drive String, the Start & End chainage will be populated. This defines the start/end of the timeline and may be changed if required.

Global Options

Speed for journey (km/h)

The speed is used to calculate the timeline duration (in seconds) based on the length of the Drive String.


Hitting <Calc> will calculate the timeline duration, based on Drive String length and Vehicle Speed.

Vehicle separation (m) (optional)

Set a constant separation between vehicles, rather than the randomly determined spacing.

Group Options


Name given to the Vehicle Group.  This allows vehicles to be easily toggled on/off during playing.


The time (in seconds) to start the group.  This is useful for delaying the display of a particular group.

Create Intersection (stop) strings for group vehicles?

If ticked, a Chainage Timeline string is created for each vehicle.  The strings will be placed on a model prefixed “TIMELINE” as follows;

  • TIMELINES <Timeline name> <Group name> <Lane number>

Chainage on Drive String to stop the Vehicle Group.


Wait time (in seconds) to hold the Vehicle Group.

Vehicle Mesh (Group Files)


Select the Vehicle File to use.  If no file exists, then enter a name to create a new Vehicle File.  The Vehicle File is simply a pre-selected list of vehicles that can be used to quickly populate the Vehicle Grid.

To see the vehicles available, go to BIM =>Visualisation =>Meshes =>Mesh library


Reads in the file and populates the Vehicle Grid.


Writes out the current Vehicle Grid to a vehicle file.

Note: It is recommended to enter a new file name. Any changes made to the Vehicle Grid (ie. remove a vehicle) will overwrite the Vehicle File.

Vehicle Grid

Displays the current Vehicle Group.  The vehicle order may be changed and/or vehicles removed from the list.  During playback, vehicles are displayed in the same order as listed.

The vehicle list may be saved by entering a file name and hitting <Write>.

Rotate vehicles for reversing?

If ticked, the vehicles will run in the opposite direction to the drive string.

Offset 1

Enter an offset from the drive string (+ve left; -ve right).

Offset 2 (optional)

Enter an offset from the drive string (+ve left; -ve right).

Perspective View for display (OpenGL)

Select a Perspective View to display the timeline playback.


You must hit Append before saving the timeline file.

Additional timelines may then be created (eg. using a different Drive String and vehicles) and appended to the current timeline file.


After creating all the timelines, hitting Write will save the timeline file.

Once the timeline file has been created, it can be played back and recorded under View =>Visualisation =>Timelines =>Play

The timeline can also be edited under View =>Visualisation =>Timelines =>Edit