Sharing 12d Model data in a Digital Engineering environment is easy, using 12d Model’s IFC Express writer.
Controlling the flow of data from 12d Model is done by grouping the required attributes into a ‘Tree’ structure (using the Attribute Manipulator), then choosing to export the attributes in that ‘Tree’.
Using the ‘Attribute Manipulator’ to create and populate the ‘Attribute Tree’ is described in this post: Prepare Data for Sharing in a DE Environment
The screenshot below shows the attributes stored on a stormwater pit.
Two ‘Attribute Trees’ have been created, ‘BIM EXPORT’ and ‘UNICLASS EXPORT’.
Each of these trees has branches, and the required attributes are stored on the branches (UNICLASS EXPORT has one branch, BIM EXPORT has two branches)
One of these trees can be selected when writting the IFC by using the ‘Attribute’ tab on the IFC Express writer.
(tick the ‘Use IFC Attribute Tree’ tickbox, and type in the name of the Attribute Tree to be used).

In the two screen shots below Solibri Model Viewer has been used to display the IFC file.
In the first screenshot the ‘UNICLASS EXPORT’ attribute tree was used, in the second screenshot the ‘BIM EXPORT’ attribute tree was used.

Now scroll back up, and look carefully at the two ‘Attribute Trees’ in the 12d Model screenshot.
When the ‘UNICLASS EXPORT’ tree is used, tabs are created for all of the ‘branches’ of that tree (there is only one).
When the ‘BIM EXPORT’ tree is used, tabs are created for all of the ‘branches’ of that tree (two branches).