Trimesh BIM Objects Create Trench from WNE

This page covers the creation of DE (BIM) solid objects utilising your "Water Network" (WNE) for Trenching quantities. Some example Trench profiles have been supplied with the installation of 12d Model Software and the video below provides some guidance for further modification or enhancements to these examples for your project. You might also like to [...]
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Visualisation Quick Timeline

Quick Timelines is a simple tool to easily create a timeline along a selected drive string.  The user may choose options such as a fixed or floating camera and the addition of vehicles. BIM => Visualisation => Timelines => Quick timeline Selections Floating Camera If ticked, the camera will follow the target (Drive String) and [...]
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Play and Record Timeline

BIM => Visualisation => Timelines => Play => Play Timeline Timeline Select the timeline file to play/record. Start time Time (in seconds) to start playback. Time multiplier (optional) Increase/Decrease speed of the timeline playback. Setting this to 2 would run the timeline at 2x, meaning a 60 second timeline will be a 30 second video. [...]
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Chainage Timeline

Chainage Timeline The Chainage Timeline follows a string or path by querying another string that defines what chainage (Y-Value) the object should be at for any given time (X-Value).  It is easiest to think of a Chainage Timeline as a graph that plots X=Time v's Y=Chainage. Chainage timelines are useful for making objects start/stop, accelerate/decelerate, [...]
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BIM and IFC Reference

So you've been asked to provide an IFC file, and not sure how to organise your data in 12d Model prior to exporting.  Here is a quick reference guide for all the humps, bumps, and hurdles we've come across for getting your data out to the wonderful world of BIM. Before proceeding, there's one important [...]
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Road Signs

Creating Road Signs, Posts and Footings. A 12d Model workflow for the creation of Road Signs, posts and footings has been added for TfNSW clients. Over 2000 signs with individual attributes have been added to the Full DE Version of the TfNSW Customisation, click on the link below for further information and videos on the [...]
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Introduced in 12d Model 15, MetaConnex is a suite of tools for creating, editing and manipulating attributes. When used alongside other 12d options like mapfiles and the attribute manipulator, MetaConnex’s power lies in not just helping to meet your projects BIM and Digital Engineering requirements, but ensures that required attributes on your data exist and [...]
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Create 3d Text

With BIM now ensconced in your digital engineering life, there's a need to export text as part of the 3d Federated LOL Twins Model.  However, unlike 12d Model, other software can tell you what a chair manufacture had for lunch, but they don't know what to do with objects that have a 'null' z-value.  Hence, [...]
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Trimesh Face Colours

This post will show you how you can change the colour of Trimesh Faces in a short 3 minute video found at the bottom of this post. From the menu, Use: BIM => Trimesh => Replace colour by colour The example I show below is to change Trimesh Face colours that have been imported into [...]
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IFC Writer Global ID and GUID

When 12d exports an IFC file each object is given a unique GUID.  If you export the same data again, the new IFC is created at a different point in time so each object is given a new and unique GUID. This can create problems for other software, such as Navisworks, as the GUID is [...]
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