The first button on the left of the control bar is used to display the current height of target, and when pressed opens up the “12d Field – Target Heights Panel”.

This panel is used to change the current target height.
Target heights can be changed by using one of the three options on this panel.

The first option available is the ‘Preset heights’ option. Preset heights are default heights that can be selected from a drop down menu.

The list of preset heights can be customised under Show Options => Settings => TPS => Tar Hgts. A total of six target heights can be customised as preset target heights.

The second option available is the ‘Target height’ option. The ‘Target height’ option is where you can manually input your target height. When you use this option and press finish it will revert the Preset height back to zero and adopt the height that was manually typed in.

The third option available is the ‘Extra Tar Height’ option. The ‘Extra Tar Height’ option is used to adjust the target height by a specific measurement, without having to physically change the height of target. For example, if your pole height is at 2.0m and you want to get a shot on the Invert of a 750mm diameter pipe, you could then enter 0.75 into the ‘Extra Tar Height’ option (the target height will now be 2.75) and get the shot on the Obvert of the pipe with the pole still at 2.0m.

The two buttons at the bottom of the panel are used to revert the values back to zero. Press the <Zero Main> button to return the ‘Target height’ value back to zero, and press the <Zero Extra> button to return the ‘Extra Tar Height’ value back to zero.