This option is used to change already created contours into a different model and the possibility of changing the contour colour. Especially useful for contours supplied by a
third party that are contained within one model.
Continue down the page to see the Change Contours Panel options.
To view the Change Contours Panel, Use: Tins => Contour => Change

Panel Description
The main purpose of the Change Contours option is to separate contours to be used as index contours from other contours. For example, when contours are supplied by a third party and all the contours are in the same model with the same colour, the change contour option can move contours to be used as index contours to a different model and give them a different colour.
Example of Changing Contours
Below is a set of survey contours provided by a third party. All the contours and the labels have been received in one model.

Major Contours – Change to a new Model
Select a Data Source, where the third party contours, most likely the model option would be suitable.
If you would like to learn more about the Data Source options and how to utilise them,
Visit this post: 12d Model Panels – Data Sources
The ‘Reference’ and ‘Interval’ options allow the contours to be further defined to then move the specific contours correctly.
An example for 5m contours, ie 5, 10, 15, 20 etc, then have the reference set to ‘0’ and the interval set to 5.
However to modify the contours 6, 11, 16 etc, set the reference to 1 and the interval to 5.
Pick the <Colour> button and pick the colour for the contour strings from the drop down list.
The ‘Target’ is where the processed contours are going to be moved or copied to. In this example the contours are going to be moved to a new model.
If you would like to learn more about the Target Type options and how to utilise them,
Visit this post: 12d Model Panels – Target Type
Hit the <Change> button and and the contours strings will be moved to the new model.

Contour Labels – Change to a new Model
Pick the <Filter> button to select all the contour text labels. Basically we build up the Filter option, the View has been added to the view tab, and the model of contours has been added to the model tab.
Here on the ‘String Info’ tab the string type can be selected, and the ‘Text’ string is picked, along with the ‘Colour’, dark grey.
Hit the <Filter Select> button and the elements found by the filter settings will be displayed , here 449 text labels have been selected.
The ‘Magenta’ colour is still set in the panel, so the labels will be the same colour as the major contours.
Update the new model for the contour labels to be moved into.
Hit the <Change> button to move the contour labels into the new model.

Hit the <-> button to show the models on the view, now the contours are separated into 3 different models.
The minor 200mm contours are still in the original model ‘Contours’, either move the contours to a new model or rename the existing model to the name required.
If you would like to learn more about the Model Rename option and how to utilise it,
Visit this post: Model Rename