Configure 12d Model – Overview

Configuration of 12d Model is done by editing one of the many files that are read when the project starts. Configuration files typically end with " .4d " Examples are 'drainage.4d (definitions of pits and pipes), survey.4d (definitions of survey instruments), linestyl.4d, symbols.4d and there are many more. On Start up, 12d Model looks in [...]
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Configure 12d User directory files

12d Model Configuration files “$User” directory; env.4d 12d environment file controls how 12d is to work, access standards or customized files.  This file is the master of all other 12d files and should be handled with care. EXDS advises you not to modify this file or change the provided "env.4d" file installed from 12d. The [...]
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Configure 12d User_Lib directory files

  12d Model Configuration files “$User_Lib” directory; AutoCAD Drawing Templates (*.dwt) For complete control of your exported 12d Model project data both a drawing template (DWT) and Autocad map file (acadmf) should be created. AutoCAD Map File (*.acadmf) This text file should be setup with a matching company Autocad drawing template (*.DWT).  It directs the [...]
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Saving Text Files

12d Model utilises a lot of "text" based files, most of which can be edited either inside 12d Model or with a Text Editor.  However, be aware that not all file formats are the same, and in particular the file encoding. Whilst 12d has support for UTF encoded files, UTF does come in different flavours [...]
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Writing Setup Files in 12d Model

Under Construction, please stay posted for updates. 12d uses a number of setup files that define things such as string names, linestyles, colours, etc, and usually have the extension .4d.  Below is general outline of the options available users when writing out (saving) setup files in 12d Model. Most of the setup files in 12d [...]
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