12dfield and GNSS – a basic guide.

There are two sides to this equation. What needs to be set within the GNSS unit What needs to be set inside 12dfield In the GNSS unit In 12dField Responsibility: User/Vendor I.E. who you brought it from Responsibility: User Base Correction settings, Ie radio on Ntrip Have project settings for Co-ord system/N_values set Correct Bluetooth […]

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Antennae Phase Center added to 12dF_GPS_PROFILES.4D

There has been a major change between V15C1j and V15C1k in the way 12df stores and uses the value "Antennae Phase Center". History: In V15C1j and earlier version the value for "Antennae Phase Center" appeared on the Target Heights panel. This meant the value could be changes on the fly, and led to errors in [...]
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Convert MGA 94 to MGA 2020

  There are reasons that moving your project to GDA 2020 will be useful (or move data back to MGA 94), but you should approach the transformation of your data with caution. We will tell you which buttons in 12d Model will do what, but the decision about whether to push the button is with [...]
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Survey Data Reduction – N values

N_Values (Winter) To use the N values as a part of 12d Models Survey Data Reduction (SDR) in NSW,ACT or SA.  For other Australian States, please refer to links at the bottom of this post. 1st step: Download the following data. N_Values.zip password: EXDSWinter Contained in the zip file are the necessary files to support [...]
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Silent Installs

Silent Install for 12d Model A 'Silent Install' is an method of installing 12d Model without needing to answer any questions, click 'Agree', or press the 'Next' button. A Silent Install of 12d Model will be used by your I.T. Department to install 12d Model for you over your network. This brief description is to [...]
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