Trimesh Face Colours

This post will show you how you can change the colour of Trimesh Faces in a short 3 minute video found at the bottom of this post. From the menu, Use: BIM => Trimesh => Replace colour by colour The example I show below is to change Trimesh Face colours that have been imported into [...]
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Split Trimesh by Vertical Plane

BIM=>Trimesh=>Split Cut=>Split by vertical plane Split a trimesh along a vertical plane. Origin:  Location to split trimesh Angle:  Measured from Origin, counter-clockwise from North (0°) Width:  Measured perpendicular, normal to the trimesh at the Origin Height:  Measured parallel, normal to the trimesh at the Origin The width and height define a bounding box to test [...]
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Trimesh BIM Objects Apply

Once you've created your BIM Objects, they need to be applied.  This is done using the Trimesh BIM Objects apply tool. To create a BIM Objects file, see here: BIM=>Trimesh=>Create=>Trimesh BIM Objects Apply Parameter File:  Saves the panel layout, so that objects can be easily re-applied Data Source:  Data (strings/points) to apply objects to [...]
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Trimesh BIM Objects Create

Easily create objects such as fences, guard rails, bus shelters, bridges, etc.  Or copy and edit any of the supplied objects. To apply the BIM Objects, see here: BIM=>Trimesh=>Create=>Trimesh BIM Objects Create/Edit Before you can create new objects, you need to create an editable file in the Working Folder.  This can be done by [...]
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Trimesh BIM Objects Create from 12da

3D Objects exported as a 12da file can be inserted along at string at each vertex. BIM=>Trimesh=>Create=>Trimesh BIM Objects Create/Edit If you don't already have an editable file in the Working Folder, please see here: Then create a new Type; Make sure to select Location: Working Folder Then create a new Vertex-Segment Type On [...]
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Trimesh BIM Objects Create from Path

As we've seen, simple objects such as service trenches and fences can be quickly created.  But what if you have something more complex, such as a guard rail. BIM=>Trimesh=>Create=>Trimesh BIM Objects Create/Edit If you don't already have an editable file in the Working Folder, please see here: Abbreviations The following abbreviations will be used [...]
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Service Chamber Many

When receiving survey data, you may have the location for pits as a single point with the details as attributes.  Using the Service Chamber Many you can quickly create the pits as 3d objects. With just a Model of points/polygons, and attributes to define the dimensions (width, depth, rotation), multiple chambers can be quickly created.  [...]
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Service Chamber

You can create one-off chambers and pits using the Service Chamber tool. To create a single service chamber, go to: BIM=>Trimesh=>Create=>Service Chamber Note: The "Name" of the trimeshes and "Model" when using this tool are automatically applied from the "CAD ControlBar".  The trimeshes are coloured "vis concrete", by default. If you need to quickly create [...]
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