There are two sides to this equation. What needs to be set within the GNSS unit What needs to be set inside 12dfield In the GNSS unit In 12dField Responsibility: User/Vendor I.E. who you brought it from Responsibility: User Base Correction settings, Ie radio on Ntrip Have project settings for Co-ord system/N_values set Correct Bluetooth […]
Articles Tagged: GNSS
Antennae Phase Center added to 12dF_GPS_PROFILES.4D
There has been a major change between V15C1j and V15C1k in the way 12df stores and uses the value "Antennae Phase Center". History: In V15C1j and earlier version the value for "Antennae Phase Center" appeared on the Target Heights panel. This meant the value could be changes on the fly, and led to errors in [...]
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12df V15: Using a GSB for N_values instead of Winter files and *.TDF_HEL
V15 has introduced some changes to the way we will work in 12dfield. To apply a Geoid correction to a GNSS survey we no longer need: - A TDF_HEL file to apply a Geiod correction - winter files - a tin What is new in 12d Model is being able to use the GSB [...]
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