Swinging Survey data to Control by Survey Data Reduction (SDR) Function

This workflow will demonstrate how to swing your survey (assumed coordinated datum) data to a control model (survey coordinated datum). Using the Survey Data Reduction (SDR) Function. A Control model can be nominated within the SDR Function under the Advanced tab. For the survey data to be successfully swung, to the control model via the [...]
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Data Source Box

Many panels in 12d model have common data selection buttons at the top of the panel. These are known as the "Data Source Box" options. There are detailed descriptions of what each Data Source button does, under section 4.24.3, of the 12d Model reference manual. You can navigate to this section easily by pressing the [...]
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Picking with Direction

Picking with Direction in 12d Model is an extremely useful tool that you can utilise for a lot of different operations. The video below will show how to utilise Picking with Direction. Or continue down the page to see some examples of the options where you can use Picking with Direction in 12d Model. Picking [...]
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