
New linestyles can be defined from existing objects in 12d.  Read on to find out how. If you have linetypes define in a DWG file, take a look at Linestyles and Symbols from DWG to see how you can import them into 12d. Before adding the linestyles, you will need to do some prep work [...]
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This simple to add feature allows 12d model menus or Company customized menus to be set on screen when a project is opened. To create the desired layout, you simply need to position the menus (or panels) around your monitor where you would like them to be saved. Using the standard screen layout file (SLX) [...]
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  The "Defaults" panel has been superseded by "Project Settings" option which includes values for the project from not only from the old Defaults file but also contains additional settings from other 12d panels. The "Defaults" menu will be removed from future versions of 12d Model Software as it has now been superseded. Detailed information [...]
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macros.4d and project_macros.4d

These simple text files are not shipped with 12d Model Software. They are an opportunity for 12d Model Users to setup and further customise the software when a 12d project is first created or ever time a project is opened. The “macros.4d” file will run the user defined specific macros or chains when a new [...]
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Project Details (project_details.dtl)

  The project details are defined by 12d Users and can contain information to be placed on all company title blocks if desired. This panel first appears when a new 12d project is started (Project -> Details -> Details) and calls a standard "project_details.dtl" file from the 12d setup directory. The “project_details.dtl” file can be [...]
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Workspace Layout (workspace.4dw)

  Since the introduction of Themes in 12d Version 15 there have been some changes with the use and setup of project workspaces. When a project is saved a "workspace" file is written into the project directory.  This is to ensure when the project is subsequently opened the icons and toolbars are where you last [...]
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Setting Text Style favorites

A simple 12d Model file can be customized to enable the correct text font, size, colour etc to be selected automatically from all drop down-list where text is required as part of other 12d panels. This saves the user needing to select these standards for different operations and ensures consistency. Project => Tree => Textstyle [...]
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DPTI Customisation (SA)

  12d Model Software Customization files for South Australian Government Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) is available for download and installation via the link below 12d Model DPTI files The files provided are maintained and owned by DPTI.  Extra Dimension Solutions (EXDS) provides technical assistance with some aspects when required. A word document [...]
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Loading a Text Style (Font)

  Loading a text style or new font into 12d 12d Model is installed with a number of standard font styles, but if your company uses a font type not found in the standard 12d Model list, you will need to add a new font type into the list to be used. Once loaded, 12d [...]
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When starting a new project the "setups.4d" text file can automatically create a number of standard views, named correctly or start with various 12d panels already pinned onto the project workspace area. To edit this file you will need to copy it from the 12d installed “setup” directory and make any changes using notepad or [...]
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