Model Manager Project Menu

This option displays all the settings for models in the project, in a tree structure format. Continue down the page to see the Model Manager Panel options. To view the Model Manager Panel, Use: Project => Management => Managers => Model This panel has been documented under the Model menu, if you would like to [...]
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Model Manager

This option displays all the settings for models in the project, in a tree structure format. Continue down the page to see the Model Manager Panel options. To view the Model Manager Panel, Use: Models => Model Manager The Model Manager Panel can also be found under: Project => Management => Managers => Model There [...]
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Create a Model

This option is used to create a single model in the project and add it to a selected view. Continue down the page to see the Create a Model option. To view the Create a Model Panel, Use: Models => Create Type in a new model name, or if the model already exists select the [...]
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