Convert .lmf to .label_mapfile

This option is used to convert old .lmf files (Pre V9 format) to .label_mapfile files (V10 onwards format) in the project. Continue down the page to see the Label Map File Convert .lmf to .label_mapfile Panel options. To view the Label Map File Convert .lmf to .label_mapfile Panel, Use: File => Label map files => Convert .lmf [...]
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Applying Mapfiles

This option is used to apply a mapfile to selected data in the project. Continue down the page to see the Apply Mapfile Panel options. Below is a video describing the available features of the mapfile inside 12d Model, please have a look! There is a Workflow set up to step through all the Mapfile [...]
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Converting .mf to .mapfile

This option is used to make a convert old .mf files to .mapfile in the project. Continue down the page to see the Convert .mf to .mapfile Panel options. To view the Convert .mf to .mapfile Panel, Use: File => Mapfiles => Convert .mf to .mapfile Select the .mf (mapfile) file into the panel. This [...]
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Convert MGA 94 to MGA 2020

  There are reasons that moving your project to GDA 2020 will be useful (or move data back to MGA 94), but you should approach the transformation of your data with caution. We will tell you which buttons in 12d Model will do what, but the decision about whether to push the button is with [...]
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Convert Text Strings to 3d Strings

Let's hope you never need this option as a starting point. But YES, there is a way! Convert Text string to 3d strings is your option when all the "survey data" you have received is flat (2d) and you need to create a 3d model. The option will read the value of the Text (spot [...]
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Water String Conversion to Pts and Lines

This option is used to convert 12d Water (Drainage) Strings into individual Points and Lines for each Node and Link within the network. This process is necessary when exporting data to GIS as most packages can't handle having Node/Link (Segment/Vertex) attributes. The panel splits the stings into their individual object elements and moves all current [...]
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Convert to Super Alignment – Elements

This option is used to convert existing string/s like a super string to a Super Alignment string with the Element Method. If you would like to view the post for the Convert Super Alignment – IP Method panel and how to utilise it, Visit this post: Convert to Super Alignment – IP Method Continue down [...]
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Convert to Super Alignment – IPs

This option is used to convert existing string/s like a super string to a Super Alignment string with the IP method (Intersection Point Method). If you would like to view the post for the Convert Super Alignment - Element Method panel and how to utilise it, Visit this post: Convert to Super Alignment - Element [...]
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