Attribute Manipulator and IFC Property Sets

When writing an IFC file, 12d exports Attribute Groups using the tags IFCCOMPLEXPROPERTY and IFCPROPERTYSINGLEVALUE.  Depending on the receiving software, these attributes will be flattened into a single level attribute or ignored completely. This is where exporting 12d Attribute Groups as IFC Property Sets can help. To create an Attribute Manipulator file, refer to: [...]
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Webinar – Attributes – What They Are and How to Use Them

This 12d Model Webinar video below will show details about Attributes, what they are and how to use them. Detailed in the webinar are Project attributes and String attributes. Super Strings in 12d aren't limited to Attributes for the entire string. Each Segment and Vertex can also have individual Attributes. Project Attributes can be used [...]
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Write DWG – Export 12d Model Attributes

Symbols & Attributes in 12d Model have been around for a long time.  But did you know that Vertex Attributes can also be export as DWG - Block Attributes? This is useful for something as simple as setout points, or drainage/utility information. During the export process, 12d Model will automatically convert Symbols to Blocks, along [...]
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