
Network Licensing of 12d Model allows multiple users to have access to 12d Model without the need to move physical dongles from machine to machine.

If you have been sent a Network Dongle then the steps for installing and configuring the dongle are as follows.

On the server;

1. Install the CodeMeter dongle drivers;

2. Plug in the dongle.

3. Open the C/M Control Center (from the Taskbar) and click <WebAdmin>

4. In the WebAdmin, go to: Config>Server>Server Access
And set Network Server: Enable
The click <Apply>
Note access to the Network Dongle must be allowed via Port: 22350

For more info, refer “10. CodeMeter Control Center & WebAdmin” in the Installing 12d Model 15 guide;

On the users computer;

IF this is a new install of 12d Model, then please see here first;

1. Startup 12d Model, and when you get the Autho Error panel, click <dongles.4d>
(Alternatively, from inside 12d Model go to Project>Management>Dongles>Dongles.4d Editor)

2. <Add> a new dongle and select Type: CodeMeter- Network
You can give the dongle a cosmetic name.

3. Click the C/M icon, to open the CodeMeter Browser

4. 12d should automatically find the Network Dongle.
Select the dongle number (ec514….), and click <Select>

If 12d does not find the dongle within 30-60sec, there is usually a problem with access.
Most commonly this is the WebAdmin>Server Access or port access has been denied.

5. Back on the Dongles.4d Editor click <Write> and save the file to the “user” folder.

Rollout to Multiple Clients

Follow the “Client” steps above to allow multiple users access to the Network Dongle.