12d Model ‘Hydro’ (Hydrology) file.
This post is about creating a .hydro file using rainfall Depths downloaded from the Australian BOM website, and Temporal Patterns downloaded from the ARR Data Hub.
The ‘.hydro’ file contains
- Rainfall data – either Rainfall Intensity as IFD, or Rainfall Depths as AEP
- Temporal Patterns from ARR1987
- Temporal Patterns from the ARR Data Hub for Storm Ensembles
- Coefficients for Horton Losses
- Coefficients for Green Ampt Losses
- Coefficients for Initial – Continuing Losses
- Coefficients for SCS Losses
- Tailwater Series (tailwater Elevation vs Time)
- Pump Rating Curves
Note that at present the rainfall Depths ‘download as csv’ is available.
The ‘Download all design rainfalls CSV’ will not be processed.