AutoCAD Export Map File

Autocad Map File (*.acadmf) This text file is used within the "File I/O => Data Output => DWG/DXF/DXB" menu. The file essentially maps the 12d string (object) names into specific Autocad layers and should be setup with a matching company standard drawing template (*.dwt). Both Survey and Design (PW - Public works) example files are [...]
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Create / Edit Mapfiles

This option is used to create or edit a mapfile in the project. Continue down the page to see the Create/Edit Mapfile Panel options. Below is a video describing the available features of the mapfile inside 12d Model, please have a look! There is a Workflow set up to step through all the Mapfile options [...]
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Applying Mapfiles

This option is used to apply a mapfile to selected data in the project. Continue down the page to see the Apply Mapfile Panel options. Below is a video describing the available features of the mapfile inside 12d Model, please have a look! There is a Workflow set up to step through all the Mapfile [...]
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Converting .mf to .mapfile

This option is used to make a convert old .mf files to .mapfile in the project. Continue down the page to see the Convert .mf to .mapfile Panel options. To view the Convert .mf to .mapfile Panel, Use: File => Mapfiles => Convert .mf to .mapfile Select the .mf (mapfile) file into the panel. This [...]
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