Trimesh BIM Objects Apply

Once you've created your BIM Objects, they need to be applied.  This is done using the Trimesh BIM Objects apply tool. To create a BIM Objects file, see here: BIM=>Trimesh=>Create=>Trimesh BIM Objects Apply Parameter File:  Saves the panel layout, so that objects can be easily re-applied Data Source:  Data (strings/points) to apply objects to [...]
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Trimesh BIM Objects Create

Easily create objects such as fences, guard rails, bus shelters, bridges, etc.  Or copy and edit any of the supplied objects. To apply the BIM Objects, see here: BIM=>Trimesh=>Create=>Trimesh BIM Objects Create/Edit Before you can create new objects, you need to create an editable file in the Working Folder.  This can be done by [...]
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