Text Special Characters

The following information is for the addition of Text "special characters" to your 12d Model project. There are any number of unique reason for wanting to add such characters to you project labelling and text. Step 1: On your PC Windows icon, simply start typing "Character Map" to open the default installed app. Step 2: [...]
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Create 3d Text

With BIM now ensconced in your digital engineering life, there's a need to export text as part of the 3d Federated LOL Twins Model.  However, unlike 12d Model, other software can tell you what a chair manufacture had for lunch, but they don't know what to do with objects that have a 'null' z-value.  Hence, [...]
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Convert Text Strings to 3d Strings

Let's hope you never need this option as a starting point. But YES, there is a way! Convert Text string to 3d strings is your option when all the "survey data" you have received is flat (2d) and you need to create a 3d model. The option will read the value of the Text (spot [...]
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CAD Text – Label Perpendicular Offset

This tool is used to create a perpendicular line from a selected string segment to a selected position, then creates a piece of text that is the offset distance. The video below will show how to create a perpendicular line from a selected string segment to a selected position, then creates a piece of text [...]
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CAD Text – Delete

This tool is used to Delete CAD Text whether it is a Text String, or Super String Vertex Text or Segment Text. The video below will show how to Delete CAD Text whether it is a Text String, or Super String Vertex Text or Segment Text. Or continue down the page to see the CAD [...]
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CAD Text – Edit

This tool is used to Edit CAD Text as either a Text String, or Super String Vertex Text or Segment Text. The video below will show how to Edit CAD Text as either a Text String, or Super String Vertex Text or Segment Text. Or continue down the page to see the CAD Text Edit [...]
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CAD Text – Create

This tool is used to Create CAD Text as either a Text String, or Super String Vertex Text or Segment Text. The video below will show how to Create CAD Text as either a Text String, or Super String Vertex Text or Segment Text. Or continue down the page to see the CAD Text Create [...]
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Text (Vertex Text)

This post describes the use, editing and deletion of 'Vertex Text' Vertex Text is text that is associated with a vertex (or point) if the vertex moves the text moves with it is typically used by Surveyors to add information about a point can be imported with Genio data - and usually needs to be [...]
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