The convert geoid to points option opens the Convert Geoid To Points panel. This panel is used to create a model of points from Geoid file with the .DAT extension.

Continue down the page to see the Convert Geoid To Points panel options.

To view the Convert Geoid To Points panel, Use: Survey => 12d Field => 12d Field Utilities => Convert geoid to points

The Convert Geoid To Points panel consists of 3 input fields titled Geoid File, Projection and Points Model.

  • The Geoid File field is used to nominate the appropriate Geoid file (.DAT extension). These can be downloaded from our Survey Data Reduction – N values wiki post.
  • The Projection field is used to nominate the appropriate projection that correlates to the chosen Geoid File.
  • The Points Model field is used to nominate the model the user wants the generated points to go into after pressing Process on the panel.

The Convert Geoid To Points panel is mainly used as a part of the 12d Field – MGA94/2020 Localisation workflow.

The information in this post was curated using 12d Model 15.0C1r.

If you find that a current release version (released after the version stated above) contains differences, operating issues, potential bugs or you require further explanation please contact the EXDS Support team.