This option is used to Remove a Tin from the project.

Continue down the page to see the Remove from Project options.

To Remove a Tin from a Project,

Use: Tins => Utilities => Remove => Remove from Project

Pick the <Tin> button and select the ‘grading’ tin.

Note: Tins that have a different colour in a tin list means that they are either shared into the project from another project, or the tin has been shared out of this project. In this case the blue ‘survey’ tin has been shared into this project, while the orange ‘Road Design’ and ‘Stage 2 Roads’ tins have been shared out of this project.

Hit the <Remove> button to remove the ‘grading’ tin from the project.

To check if the ‘grading’ tin has been removed from the project,

Use: Tins => Tins => Removed Tins